Senin, 21 November 2022

ADVEN I Sunday sermon – November 27, 2022

The Coming King of Peace   


& Ev: Isaiah 11:1–10                          & Ep: Matthew 3:1-12                     


A. Introduction

This prophecy is addressed to Israel, possibly under the king Ahaz who is highlighted in p.7. He is a king who fears man rather than God, and the Messianic prophecy in 8:23-9:6 describes a different king than Ahaz, a king of peace whose kingdom is based on justice. Then, pp.9-11 tell the next story, the story of Israel's punishment followed by rescue. The punishment of Ephraim (Northern Israel) is described in 9:7-10:4. Salvation begins with that instrument of punishment, Assyria, being punished in turn for its evil ways (Isa 10:5-19), so that the remnant of Israel can be saved (10:20-27a). The way that happened is perhaps described in 10:27b-34, where Aysur steps up to attack Jerusalem but is like a great tree cut down. The prophecies concerned first of all things that happened during Isaiah's time, i.e. Northern Israel fell k.l. 722 bc (cf. 2 Kings 17), and Assyria failed to attack Jerusalem in 701 bc because of his arrogance (cf. Isa 36-37).


B. Description

In this context, God promises in our passage a very different king from the Assyrian kings: a sprout (not a great tree) that fears God and judges with justice. Even though it looks okay, the Spirit of God is in him and he actually brings about the renewal of the world. The following passage (11:11-16) tells about Israel (the northern part) returning from exile, just as Israel was rescued from Egypt, so that Israel could be reunited. Q.12 closes these chapters with praise for that salvation.


So, this passage gives Israel the promise that God will restore Israel and even the whole earth through a Davidic king who, in the power of God's Spirit, will establish justice by increasing the oppressed and eliminating the wicked.


C. Reflection

1)     Ilustration: A king held a painting competition with the theme: Peace. Of the hundreds of paintings painted, there are two paintings that the king really liked. But the King had to choose one of the two paintings. The first painting depicts a calm lake. The surface of the lake is like a mirror reflecting the serenity of the mountains that rise up around it. Above the lake, there is a blue sky with drifting white clouds. Everyone who looks at the painting will surely think that this painting best depicts peace.

The second painting depicts mountains as well. But dry and barren. Above him, the sky was painted clear and red indicating a rainstorm was approaching, while lightning was seen flashing wildly. On the side of the mountain was a cascade of bubbling cascades, which did not seem the least bit serene. But there is something interesting. Behind the waterfall, small bushes grow on the sidelines of the rock. Inside the bush, a sparrow laid its nest. In the midst of the roar of the waterfall, a sparrow was quietly incubating its eggs.

Finally, the king decided that the second painting was the winner. Why? Because peace doesn't mean we have to be in a place without fuss, trouble, or mountains of work. Peace is a calm and prosperous heart even though we are in the midst of extraordinary commotion.

Our situation is the same as the second picture of the painting. Problems and struggles come and go. Crime is rampant. People ask: is there still peace? Where is there peace?. Therefore the world today desperately needs peace.


2)     The celebration that we will soon be carrying out is Christmas. Christmas is a celebration of Peace. We are told that Peace has come among mankind. The King of peace, Jesus Christ, proclaims His peace for us. Our readings talk about the coming Prince of Peace who works on restoration, a peace. There are three kinds of recovery. The first restoration is the restoration of the relationship between man and God (verses 1-5). This is manifested by the sprout from the stump of Jesse being filled with the Spirit of God and leading justly. The second restoration is the restoration of the relationship between humans and nature (verses 6-9). Here first of all it is described that there is a harmony between nature and nature itself. However, it was also stated that humans and nature would no longer be enemies. Both humans and nature mingle and glorify their creator. The third restoration is the restoration of human relations with humans (verses 10-16). The survivors will be gathered again, and together they will give thanks to God who saved them. This is a picture of peace by the coming Prince of Peace. The peace that is in this reading is the peace that is experienced because of the knowledge of God (verse 9). Peace from God. Peace because of God's work. Peace is meant not only because the stomach is full there is plenty of food and drink in December but how to be a blessing to others. It's not just a matter of making peace with others in December, but how to be an instrument of peace throughout life. Indeed, humans cannot achieve peace without God.

In divine wisdom, this Prince of Peace will not judge with a glance, but judges to the depths of one's heart. As a wise king, he also has extraordinary composure so that he is not easy to make decisions according to what people say. It feels like two things money needs to be owned by every believer nowadays, considering that sometimes it's so easy for us to judge or make decisions based only on what we see, feel, or hear !

3)     Come on, let's give our best to God by providing our heart space filled with God's grace; present our lives as a fragrant offering before God; serving God with the spirit of Christ's love; open yourself to experience repentance every day so that you are more like Christ. Even living the love of Christ by being a true doer of love for others.

How happy it would be if we could live peacefully on earth. We will enjoy a safe, peaceful, comfortable and peaceful atmosphere. There is no evil, suffering, or disease. All live in joy and happiness. In fact, this atmosphere has been presented by Jesus Christ through the process of atonement for sins that He has done.

The King of Peace, namely Jesus Christ, is present in our hearts. Then He will restore the condition of our lives which are down and destroyed because of sin. Even the Prince of Peace will save us from the penalty of sin and give His peace. And later, when He comes the second time, then we will live together with Him in peace in His eternal kingdom.

4)     In this Advent Season we look forward to His presence which we need to realize and experience. He comes and is present also experienced in a heart that is ready, in a heart that is on guard, so that it becomes a blessing to those who are ready to welcome Him.

Why do we wait for Him in hope. Because Jesus is the bringer of salvation, the bringer of peace, the bringer of fullness, the healer of wounds, because He is Emmanuel, God with us. He comes at any time, at the most unexpected time. Every moment counts when we live for Christ, when we believe in Him, when we are open to welcome Him, when our lives are always directed towards Him and when we are fully aware of preparing for His coming. We watch full of hope because we don't even know when the Lord will come. Advent is very special because we wait for Him in hope. And when we have hope, we will never be disappointed. Amen.

Jamita Evangelium Minggu Sexagesima - 23 Februari 2025

Ev: Mateus 5: 38 - 48                                                Ep: Psalmen 37 : 1 – 11     Manghaholongi Musu Mengasihi Musuh ...