Selasa, 29 November 2022

ADVENT II Sunday Reflection – December 4, 2022

"Holy Life in Waiting for the Day of Christ"


 Ev: Philippians 1: 3 – 11                         Ep: Psalms 24 : 1 – 10


A. Background

     Philippians is one part of Paul's letters. This letter was written to all the saints, bishops, and deacons in Philippi. The relationship between Paul and the Philippian church was very close, because the Philippian church was the first church that the apostle Paul founded in Europe. This letter was written by the apostle Paul with the aim of thanking Paul for the gifts sent by the Philippians to Paul while he was in Rome. It is difficult to determine the problems that occurred in the Philippian congregation, so experts conclude Paul's purpose in writing this letter was to thank the Philippians.

     The Philippians congregatio grew and developed through the missionary service that the apostle Paul did with Silas, where Timothy participated with them (Acts 16:1-5,13-18). The first convert there was a woman named Lydia, a seller of purple cloth. They were invited to stay at his house (v. 15). Paul also cast out a spirit of divination from a female servant (vv. 16-18). The ministry then became difficult when the masters of the maid realized that they were losing their income through the spirit of divination. They arrested the apostles Paul and Silas and dragged them to the market place to face the authorities (v. 19). Long story short, the apostles Paul and Silas were thrown into prison after their clothes were torn apart and their bodies were beaten many times (vv. 22-23). But the rulers did not realize that it was in this prison that the power of God would be manifested! Through a miraculous event in prison, the jailer and his family repented and got themselves baptized (vv. 30-33). After the apostle Paul returned to Lydia's home, they continued their missionary journey to the city of Thessalonica. This is the forerunner of the Philippian church. After a long time the apostle Paul did not hear from them, now he remembered them back in prison, and the apostle Paul was grateful for them. In the midst of his struggles in prison, he was grateful because the seeds of the Gospel that had been sown grew in the hearts of the Philippians.

In general, people will find it difficult to be grateful when the situation becomes uncertain, even the opposite of what was planned. But that doesn't apply to the apostle Paul. He still lived an attitude of gratitude to the Lord God, even when he was in prison (Philippians 1:12-14). To the Philippians, the apostle Paul wrote how grateful he was to God even though the punishment that befell him limited his freedom in preaching the Gospel of Christ.


B. Explanation


1)     Verse 3 is an expression of Paul's gratitude to the Philippians for their cooperation in the ministry of the Apostle Paul. When we have achieved success or are successful in everything we don't forget people who always support us in our struggles, as did the Apostle Paul. So the apostle Paul wrote this section so that we will always remember those who are meritorious in our every thanksgiving and prayer. Message: "remember the people who are always with you in your struggle, and don't focus on the people who are always waiting for you at the finish line". Praying is one of our ways to express our gratitude to God. The thanksgiving that we raise can be in the form of thanksgiving for our brothers and sisters in the faith.

2)     Paragraph 4 ; Paul said that he always prayed for the Philippians with joy. Joy is a fruit of the Spirit (Gal 5:23) and refers to the experience of "fullness of life" because the presence of the Spirit in it does not depend on circumstances. It has a lot to do with a deep sense of self-righteousness and peace which is continuously based on personal knowledge of God's presence and His sovereignty over all people and events. It was in this experience of joy that Paul prayed for the church.

3)     Verse 5-6 ; the apostle Paul was truly grateful for the ministry of preaching the gospel which was supported by the Philippians. So that in that ministry there is a good work done by the apostle Paul and the congregation. This support pleased Paul. The notion of good works is broader than simply pointing to the development of the gospel. It refers to God's saving activity in their hearts and its expression in their lives. Their participation in spreading the gospel is only an outward manifestation related to the fact that from within their faith is the creative work of God. Because the Philippians had given themselves to the ministry of the gospel, it was clear to Paul that God had started, was carrying out, and would complete his good work in them. Paul said that God would perfect his good work in them until the day of Jesus Christ. Therefore Paul tells the Philippians who are facing problems within them (4:2-3) and problems from outside (1:26-31), by strengthening them with the truth about the certainty of their salvation. Salvation, the perfection that God initiated in them, will be completed on the day of Christ Jesus, which is the second coming of Christ.

4)     Verses 7 – 8: the apostle Paul really thought of the Philippians by the joy of the spirit of participation in the spread of the Gospel and the future of the church's salvation. The congregation's loyalty to Paul was very valuable to Paul and considered them co-workers and ministries in preaching the Gospel. The sincerity of Paul's expression of feelings by including God as a witness in that ministry work. The apostle Paul's faith held firm hope for the Philippians in Christ Jesus, how much he longed to meet the congregation.

5)     Verse 9: the expression of a prayer that Paul uttered was "may your love abound more and more in true knowledge and all kinds of understanding". The love that already exists in believers is not something stagnant. Love can and must grow, grow and increase. But Paul also stressed, love must be equipped with true knowledge and all kinds of understanding. Loving in Paul's understanding is not just a matter of feeling, but must be followed by understanding wisdom. Not only matters of the heart, but matters of logic. Loving abundantly but not followed by knowledge and understanding can make that love miss the target, not apply it properly. Perhaps it can be compared to acts of love or acts of diakonia. If we want to provide assistance, we must conduct a field survey. What is needed, what is lacking. So that our diakonia is right on target and effective.

6)     Verses 10-11; The Apostle Paul wanted the life of the Philippians to be marked by the fruits of righteousness for glory and praise to God. It is a goal worth pursuing! With love followed by knowledge and understanding, the aim is for the congregation to be able to distinguish between good and right, then choose what is good. So that when Jesus Christ comes the second time, the congregation will be holy and unblemished. Chaste and blameless is a very high standard. Paul added that he was also 'full of the fruit of righteousness that was accomplished by Jesus Christ'. The truth we work out is the work of Christ. It is not the result of human effort. All to glorify and praise God.


C. Application

1)     Loving others must be shown by praying for them. We cannot claim to love without ever praying. That is why our prayer is so important. Let's embrace loved ones in our prayers. There is a wise saying that says Love is a verb. Love is a verb. Not enough only talkk, but must be proven by deeds. Do that love as proof of our faith in Christ. Let's develop the habit of sharing, giving to others especially those who are lacking and those in need. If there is an act of love, the church's social deacon, it is very good if it is done together with the congregation.

2)     Love accompanied by understanding wisdom will enable a person to make good and right decisions. So that our lives become a life that pleases Christ. This is what every individual needs to maintain while we wait for Christ's second coming. Living holy in our waiting for Christ's Day is very important without our holiness and holiness we are useless and mortal. Achieve immortality in Christ Jesus. Amen.

Senin, 21 November 2022

ADVEN I Sunday sermon – November 27, 2022

The Coming King of Peace   


& Ev: Isaiah 11:1–10                          & Ep: Matthew 3:1-12                     


A. Introduction

This prophecy is addressed to Israel, possibly under the king Ahaz who is highlighted in p.7. He is a king who fears man rather than God, and the Messianic prophecy in 8:23-9:6 describes a different king than Ahaz, a king of peace whose kingdom is based on justice. Then, pp.9-11 tell the next story, the story of Israel's punishment followed by rescue. The punishment of Ephraim (Northern Israel) is described in 9:7-10:4. Salvation begins with that instrument of punishment, Assyria, being punished in turn for its evil ways (Isa 10:5-19), so that the remnant of Israel can be saved (10:20-27a). The way that happened is perhaps described in 10:27b-34, where Aysur steps up to attack Jerusalem but is like a great tree cut down. The prophecies concerned first of all things that happened during Isaiah's time, i.e. Northern Israel fell k.l. 722 bc (cf. 2 Kings 17), and Assyria failed to attack Jerusalem in 701 bc because of his arrogance (cf. Isa 36-37).


B. Description

In this context, God promises in our passage a very different king from the Assyrian kings: a sprout (not a great tree) that fears God and judges with justice. Even though it looks okay, the Spirit of God is in him and he actually brings about the renewal of the world. The following passage (11:11-16) tells about Israel (the northern part) returning from exile, just as Israel was rescued from Egypt, so that Israel could be reunited. Q.12 closes these chapters with praise for that salvation.


So, this passage gives Israel the promise that God will restore Israel and even the whole earth through a Davidic king who, in the power of God's Spirit, will establish justice by increasing the oppressed and eliminating the wicked.


C. Reflection

1)     Ilustration: A king held a painting competition with the theme: Peace. Of the hundreds of paintings painted, there are two paintings that the king really liked. But the King had to choose one of the two paintings. The first painting depicts a calm lake. The surface of the lake is like a mirror reflecting the serenity of the mountains that rise up around it. Above the lake, there is a blue sky with drifting white clouds. Everyone who looks at the painting will surely think that this painting best depicts peace.

The second painting depicts mountains as well. But dry and barren. Above him, the sky was painted clear and red indicating a rainstorm was approaching, while lightning was seen flashing wildly. On the side of the mountain was a cascade of bubbling cascades, which did not seem the least bit serene. But there is something interesting. Behind the waterfall, small bushes grow on the sidelines of the rock. Inside the bush, a sparrow laid its nest. In the midst of the roar of the waterfall, a sparrow was quietly incubating its eggs.

Finally, the king decided that the second painting was the winner. Why? Because peace doesn't mean we have to be in a place without fuss, trouble, or mountains of work. Peace is a calm and prosperous heart even though we are in the midst of extraordinary commotion.

Our situation is the same as the second picture of the painting. Problems and struggles come and go. Crime is rampant. People ask: is there still peace? Where is there peace?. Therefore the world today desperately needs peace.


2)     The celebration that we will soon be carrying out is Christmas. Christmas is a celebration of Peace. We are told that Peace has come among mankind. The King of peace, Jesus Christ, proclaims His peace for us. Our readings talk about the coming Prince of Peace who works on restoration, a peace. There are three kinds of recovery. The first restoration is the restoration of the relationship between man and God (verses 1-5). This is manifested by the sprout from the stump of Jesse being filled with the Spirit of God and leading justly. The second restoration is the restoration of the relationship between humans and nature (verses 6-9). Here first of all it is described that there is a harmony between nature and nature itself. However, it was also stated that humans and nature would no longer be enemies. Both humans and nature mingle and glorify their creator. The third restoration is the restoration of human relations with humans (verses 10-16). The survivors will be gathered again, and together they will give thanks to God who saved them. This is a picture of peace by the coming Prince of Peace. The peace that is in this reading is the peace that is experienced because of the knowledge of God (verse 9). Peace from God. Peace because of God's work. Peace is meant not only because the stomach is full there is plenty of food and drink in December but how to be a blessing to others. It's not just a matter of making peace with others in December, but how to be an instrument of peace throughout life. Indeed, humans cannot achieve peace without God.

In divine wisdom, this Prince of Peace will not judge with a glance, but judges to the depths of one's heart. As a wise king, he also has extraordinary composure so that he is not easy to make decisions according to what people say. It feels like two things money needs to be owned by every believer nowadays, considering that sometimes it's so easy for us to judge or make decisions based only on what we see, feel, or hear !

3)     Come on, let's give our best to God by providing our heart space filled with God's grace; present our lives as a fragrant offering before God; serving God with the spirit of Christ's love; open yourself to experience repentance every day so that you are more like Christ. Even living the love of Christ by being a true doer of love for others.

How happy it would be if we could live peacefully on earth. We will enjoy a safe, peaceful, comfortable and peaceful atmosphere. There is no evil, suffering, or disease. All live in joy and happiness. In fact, this atmosphere has been presented by Jesus Christ through the process of atonement for sins that He has done.

The King of Peace, namely Jesus Christ, is present in our hearts. Then He will restore the condition of our lives which are down and destroyed because of sin. Even the Prince of Peace will save us from the penalty of sin and give His peace. And later, when He comes the second time, then we will live together with Him in peace in His eternal kingdom.

4)     In this Advent Season we look forward to His presence which we need to realize and experience. He comes and is present also experienced in a heart that is ready, in a heart that is on guard, so that it becomes a blessing to those who are ready to welcome Him.

Why do we wait for Him in hope. Because Jesus is the bringer of salvation, the bringer of peace, the bringer of fullness, the healer of wounds, because He is Emmanuel, God with us. He comes at any time, at the most unexpected time. Every moment counts when we live for Christ, when we believe in Him, when we are open to welcome Him, when our lives are always directed towards Him and when we are fully aware of preparing for His coming. We watch full of hope because we don't even know when the Lord will come. Advent is very special because we wait for Him in hope. And when we have hope, we will never be disappointed. Amen.

Kamis, 17 November 2022

Jamita Minggu Ujung Taon Parhuriaon – 20 Nopember 2022

“Dipamonang Debata Hita Marhitehite  Jesus Kristus”

Allah Memberikan Kita Kemenangan Oleh Yesus Kristus


& Ev: I Korint 15 : 50-58               & Ep: Parjamita 8: 9-17                      


A.      Patujolo

Dipungka Apostel Paulus do suratna na parjolo on tu huria Korint marhite hatorangan taringot tu silang (teologi salib), diujungna dipatuduhon do sada panindangion na balga situtu taringot tu haheheon ni Kristus dohot panghirimon ni sude halak Kristen di haheheon ni angka na mate di ari soggot i. Tamba ni surat Rom 8. Di 1 Korint 15 on dipatorang do mansai tangkas taringot tu panghirimon ni halak Kristen. Suraon na binege ibana do naung torop sian tongatonga ni halak Kristen na di huta Korint, na ganggu rohana taringot tu haheheon ni angka na mate, ala tubu di tongatonga nasida sada poda na mangalo poda taringot tu haheheon sogot i (ay.12). Ra dibege ibana do barita taringot tusi (angkup ni barita parsalisian na masa di huria i) sian pangisi ni bagas ni si Kloe (1:11), manang sian angka donganna na asing na umboto angka na masa ditongatonga ni hhuria i (16:17). Alai mansai tangkas diondolhon ibana, paboa panghirimon taringot tu haheheon na sian angka na mate i do sad ondolan ni poda hakristenon. Molo diparhatutu nasida do haheheon ni Kristus, ingkon parhatutuon nasida do nang haheheon ni angka na mate, ai patujolo ni haheheon nni angka naung monding i do haheheon ni Kristus (ay.20). Haheheon ni Kristus i do nang sintuhu ni sude Barita na uli. Alai molo dialo nasida haheheon ni angka na mate, na mansoadahon haheheon ni Kristus i do nasida disi. Jala na mansoadahon haheheon ni Kristus na mansoadahon Barita na uli i do. Jadi dihamham haheheon ni Kristus i do nang haheheon ni angka na mate (ay.12-34).


B. Hatorangan

1)      Turpukta on ima songon pangibulan ni sude hatorangan na pinatolhasna di bindu 15, taringot tu pardomuan ni haehehon ni Kristus dohot haheheon ni angka namate di ari sogot i. Didok ibana boasa ingkon dipahehe angka naung mate i, ala “ndang tartean sibuk dohot mudar harajaon ni Debata, jala ndang tartean na olo busuk i hatongtongon i”. Sibuk dohot mudar ima manggombarhon ngolu pardaging ni jolma na di portibi on. Jala harajaon ni Debata na nidok ni Ap.Paulus, na dos do lapatan ni i dohot “ngolu na manongtong ro disaleleng ni lelengna”, songon na nidokna di angka evangelium i. Jadi ngolu pardagingon manang bangko hajolmaon na olo busuk (mate), ndang boi gabe bagian ni harajaon ni Debata. Ingkon dipauba do i saluhutna marhite Tondi, songon na jinamitahhon ni Jesus tu si Nikodemus di John.3:5-6 i. Jadi ngolu na imbaru sisaonari, na pinangolu ni Tondi i, marpardomuan do tu ngolu sogot dung haeheheon, songon na nidok Ap.Paulus di Roma 8:11 “Alai molo maringanan dibagasan hamu Tondi ni na manungguli Jesus sian na mate, sandok pangoluon ni Ibana naung manungguli Kristus Jesus i, ma nang pamatangmuna na mate i, hinorhon ni Tondina na mangingani hamu”. Dison ndada manaringoti taringot tu hatutubu na imbaru marhite hamubaon ni roha apostel i, alai na manghatai taringot tu hamubaon ni pamatang on do. Ingkon tading do ngolu pardagingon on, laho bongot tu surgo i (ay.44-46). Jadi molo didok “ndang tartean na olo busuk i hatongtongon i”. Marlapatan ndang tarbahen pamatang na olo busuk on harajaon ni Debata. Mangolu manang naung mate pe halak Kristen di haroro ni Kristus paduahon i, ingkon jolo dipauba do pamatangna asa tarbahen bongot tu surgo i.

2)      “Hahomion” ni Debata do pangalaho i, na buni dope di tingki na salpu. Alai saonari nunga dipapatar Debata i dibagasan Kristus, atik pe hagogokna tarida muse di ari sogot i. Ala ni i ingkon adong do panghirirmon ni halak Kristen di ngolu sogot. Haporseaon si saonnari, sisoada do i molo so mardongan dohot panghirirmon di ngolu sogot. Jala si Paulus sandiri uju manurat surat na on, manghirim ingkon masa do i andorang so monding pe nasida di haroro ni Kristus i, dohot do nasida paubaonna. Jala tompu do i patupaonNa, holan dibagasan “sangkidop mata” (satongkin) sambing, dipangkuling ni sarune di arina parpudi i. Soara nis arune i ma na pabotohon ujung ni angka tingki laho paheheon angka na mate dohot paubahon angka na mangolu dope hatiha i tu hatongtongon i. Ai songon naung ditaringoti di jolo, ndang tartean na olo busuk on hatongtongon i ia so jolo dipauba ibana manolukhon hatongtongon i. Jadi nang pe marpamatang na olo busuk dope angka halak na mangolu hatiha i, ingkon dipauba do laho manean hangoluan na manongtong ro disalelenglelengna na sian Debata. Bonduton ni hangoluan i ma hamatean i.

3)      Disi ma endehonon ni angka na manean hangoluan i, ende hamonangan na marojahan tu Jesaya 25:8 dohot Hosea 13: 14 na mandok: “ Jo hamatean, didia hamonanganmi? Jo hamatean didia soropmi”. Marlapatan do i nunga talu hamatean, jala nunga mago nang soropna. Tutu anggo saonnari mangula dope hamatean i, jala mandoit nang soropna. Tutu anggo saonnari mangula dope hamatean i, jala mandoit dope soropna, i ma dosa, namangalehon hagogoon tu hamatean i. Didok si Paulus dosa i do sorop ni hamatean, jala patik i do gogo ni dosa i”. Jadi songon na di suratna tu halak Rom, jotjot do dipadomu si Paulus pangalaho ni dosa, patik dohot hamatean. Jadi ndang holan ala ni keterbatasan biologis secara alamiah dibereng ibana umbahen ro hamatean i, alai marpardomuan do moral. Ala ni di na talu hamatean i, jala monang hangoluan i, ndang tagamon so mandok mauliate angka na porsea i tu Debata, na mangalehon hamonangan i di angka na porsea marhite Jesus Kristus. Marhite hamamate ni Jesus nunga ditaluhon hamateann i, jala nunga diroro soropna, ima dosa. Tontu hamauliateon i ingkon dipatuduhon angka na porsea ma i marhite na dohot manaluhon dosa i sian dirina be dohot sian angka na humaliangna.

4)      Na manghirim do halak Kristen di hangoluan sogot i. Alai ndang holan panghirimon songon i non i. Ingkon tarida do panghorhonna di ngolu sisaonari. Songon na pinaingothon ni Ap.Paulus di ayat na parpudi ni turpuk on (ay.58), asa saluhut halak Kristen “Marsihohot jala so mubauba, jala lam sumurung tongtong di bagasan ulaon ni Tuhan i”. Jadi ingkon dihorhon panghirimon i do hot ni roha, ndang m uramura munggil roha dohot haporseaon ala ni angka na masa di portibi on. Songon na didok si Paulus di surat Kolosse (1:23): “.....Ojak jala hot di bagasan haporseaon, jala so olo meret sian panghirimon di barita na uli i”. Songon sao (sauh) na hot jala togu do panghirimon i di tondi ni angka na porsea (Heb.6:19). Angka na mangolu dibagasan panghirimon na togu, gabe tarbahensa ma di ngolu sisaonnari mangolu di bagasan Tuhan i, huhut mangula ulaon ni Tuhan i. Jala ndang magopo halojaon ni angka na mangula ulaon na denggan na gabe hasangapon ni Tuhan i. Angka aha do na nidokna uaon ni Tuhan i ? Manang aha pe na niula dibagasan haporseaon, na nionjar ni holong ni roha na sintong, targoar do ulaon ni Tuhan i. Tutu adong do “ulaon i Tuhan i na khusus”, songon na dipasahat tu si Timoteus dohot tu si Paulus (16:10). Isara ni na pauliulihon huria i. Sada hasurungan do ulaon na pauliulihon huria (14:12), alai ndang sitengahononhoni, ai tugas dohot tanggungjawab ni saluhut halak Kristen do ulaon na songon i. Angka na porsea di Jesus Kristus ingkon sai tongtong do sumurung di haporseaon, panghirimon dohot holong ni roha. Jala sisada ihot do na tolu pangalaho i di ngolu ni halak Kristen, ndang tarsirang, jala ndada masialoan na sada maradophon na sada nari. Panghirirmon i mangarahut haporseaon na togu, jala mangonjar halak mangaradoti holong ni roha, i ma saluhut angka ulaon na denggan. Jadi panghirimon na togu dohot roha, i ma saluhut angka ulaon na denggan. Jadi panghirimon na togu dohot roha na marsihohot di bagasan haporseaon maniop poda na sintong taringot tu haheheon sogot, ido mangalehon gogo jala mangonjar hita tongtong sumurung mangula ulaon ni Tuhan i. Ndada mangopo ulaon angka ulaon na songon i, ai dipasupasu Tuhanta do i manghorhon na hasea di harajaon ni Debata, di ngolu ni huria dohot di ngolu ni sandok hajolmaon. Angka na mangula ulaonna denggan marojahan di panghirimon, haporseaon dohot holong ni roha, ndada na mangalului jasa dohot hasangapon nidiri, alai tongtong do i dihilala songon tanda ni hamauliateon ni rohana siala naung jumolo Tuhan i mangula angka na denggan di ngoluna, lumobi ma siala panghophopon ni Tuhan Jesus naung manaluhon dosa dohot huaso ni hamatean. Dipamonang Debata hita marhitehite Jesus Kristus, dipamonang manaluhon haporsuhonta na umbolon i, ima hamatean i. Molo tataringoti pe angka donganta naung jumolo sian hita mangadopi hamatean i unang ma gabe lomos jala bobos rohanta nunga ditaluhon hamateanta dibagasan Jesus Kristus. Margogo ma hita tongtong marpanghirimon di Ibana. Amen.

Sabtu, 05 November 2022

Jamita Minggu XXI Dung TRINITATIS – 6 Nopember 2022

“Marsihohot Dibagasan Poda ni Jesus Kristus”

Berdiri  Teguh  Dalam Ajaran  Yesus Kristus


& Ev: 2 Tessalonik 2: 13-17                & Ep: Psalmen 145 : 17 - 21                     


A.      Patujolo

1)    Digoari Casander do kota Tormai on gabe “Tesalonika”, songon goar ni tungganeboruna Tesalonika, i ma iboto  ni Iskandar Zulkarnain (Isakandar Agung) 315 sM, Ibukota Makedonia (Eropah). Tesalonika na sanga dibahen raja Xerxes sian Persia (Iran) gabe pangkalan ni Angkatan Lautna di Eropah. DI Pekabaran Injil paduahon (50-51 M), laos pajongjonghon huria di Tesalonika, naung tinogu  ni jamitana sian hasipelebeguon (Junani). Alai mangiburu (late) ma halak Jahudi tu si Paulus, dipaksa ma ibana ingkon maninggalhon Tesalonika, gabe laho tu Berea (Ul.Ap.17:1-9; 1 Tes.1:9). Alai dung sahat nasida tu Athena, disuru ma si Timoteus manopot Huria Tesalonika na imbaru tubu i, jala di Korintus ma si Paulus paimahon si Timoteus (1 Tes.3: 1 -6).

2)    Dung mulak si Timoteus sian Tesalonika tu Korintus manopot si Paulus, diboan ma angka barita na niadopanna di huria i, na mangonjar roha ni Ap.Paulus ingkon manongos surat on tu huria Tesalonika.  Mamodai huria i asa marsihohot di poda haporseaon nnaung sahat tu nasida, dohot taringot tu haroro ni Kristus paduahlihon. Dung jolo dipaullop Kristus pargapgap na mangaliluhon torop jolma na so setia tu Tuhan Jesus Krstus (2 Tes.2:1-12). Jala asa dihaporseai huria Tesalonika, paboa naung dipillit Debata hian do huriaNa tu haluaon marhite Jesus Kristus, ima isi ni sandok Barita Nauli naung tolhas tu nasida.


B. Hatorangan

1.    Asa dung mulak si Silas dohot si Timoteus sian Tesalonik, didapothon ma si Paulus na sorang di jabu ni si Titus Justus di Korintus paboahon na masa di Tesalonika, ima:

Ø  Haporsuhon na binahen ni halak Jahudi tu angka na porsea dihuria Tesalonika, ala parsihohoton nasida di poda haporseaon na niajarhon ni si paulus (Ul.Ap. 18:7-8)

Ø  Haporseaon pangkirimon ni huria Tesalonika marpusat tu haroro ni Tuhan Jesus Kristus paduahalihon. Gabe torop na so olo mulaulaon, ai didok roha ni na deba, “ndang adong be gunana mencari, ai na ro ma Tuhan i” ( 2 Tes.3:11).

2.    Alai  laos adong do deba sian tongatonga ni huria i na hehe mamodahon : Ia haroro ni Tuhan Jesus paduahalihon i nunga jumpang i nuaeng di tingkinta on”, ninna nasida. On ma muse pahehe gasip na mambahen parbolatan du huria Tesalonika, ala ni poda na imbaru i. Adong ma horong na badia, adong muse na hurang badia dna.....(Ptd.1 Tes.3:11-13). Alai tumangkas ma dipatorang si Paulus jumolo angka tanda-tanda taringot tu haroro ni Tuhanta paduahalihon i dohot patujolona na aneng patar tu portibi on. Ima:

a)      Ingkon jumolo torop marbalik sian haporseaon na sintong i ala ni partingkian na marubauba (hamajuon dna- 2 Tim.3:1-7; Mat.24:12; 2 Ptr.2:1-3;10:12-19; Judas 4:11-15

b)      Hapapatar ni jolma pardosa na sumalin i ma: “Kristus pargapgap, panurirang pargapgap, dohot diktator akhir jaman tu tingki na naeng ro (2 Tes.2:4-9,11; Mat.24:5,11; Dan.7:25; 8:9; 9:27; 11:36).

3.    Alai anggo huria  na marsihohot di haporseaon na polin i, ima barita Nauli i, naung dipillit Debata hian do i sian mulana tu haluaon marhite TondiNa. Ima na mamarangehon hadaulaton, tu habadiaon di bagasan haporseaon na marojahan tu hasintongan, ima Hata ni Debata dibagasan Jesus Kristus (Ul.4:12; John.14:6). Ala ni i do mandok mauliate tu Debata, ala asi ni rohaNa naung mamillit angka na porsea, na marsihohot di Barita Nauli. Ai diurupi Tondi Parbadia i do saluhut angka na porsea i manghangoluhon dohot manghatindanghon hasintongan di ganup tingki so pola marroha ganggu manang mabiar manghatindanghonsa. I ma angka naung pinillit jala na hinaholongan ni Debata dibagasan Kristus Jesus. Ima bukti ni haporseaon na sintong ( Eps.1:4; John.17:17-26; Mat.10:19-20).

4.    Ai soara ni Debata do Barita Nauli hangoluanta i, na manjou nasa hajolmaon mananda hasintongan asa saut malua sian dosa dohot sian hamatean na paduahon. Dung porsea jala marsihohot so mubauba sahat tu haroro ni Jesus Kristus na paduahalihon. Jala ganup na porsea, na marsihohot di hata ni Debata, Barita Nauli i , ido hangoluan dohot hasangapon ni Kristus saleleng ni lelengna. Ima pusat ni sihirimon ni nasa na tinompa i, umbahen didok: “Laho ma hamu, baritahon hamu ma Barita Nauli i tu nasa na tinompa (Mark.16:15). Ganup na hot jongjong/marsihohot di bagabaga ni Debata, marsihohot di poda ni Jesus Kristus, i do dihaholongi, diapuli jumpa manaon sitaonon dohot pangunjunan laho pahothon panghirimon na mangolu di dirina, huhut margogoihon rohanta asa hobas tu nasa ulaon na denggan sahat ro di ujung ni ngolunta be di portibi on (Pangk.2:10). Amen.


Jamita Evangelium Minggu Sexagesima - 23 Februari 2025

Ev: Mateus 5: 38 - 48                                                Ep: Psalmen 37 : 1 – 11     Manghaholongi Musu Mengasihi Musuh ...