HKBP is part of the world's Lutheran Church. But if we look at the layout and the altar-seat benches in the church we are, in general, does not reflect the Lutheran church. Generally, the layout of the church altar we adopt the layout of the church Calvinis, where the podium telling the word of God is in the midst of the altar, and is in a high position. Lutheran Church put the pulpit telling word in the left altar, as seen in the church HKBP Menteng, road Cashew 46, Jakarta. (HKBP Petojo has changed the position of telling it. Formerly they place the platform in the middle as usual. HKBP Balige any place on the podium to the left, but the high-pitched.)
Indeed, our understanding of the layout is not uniform. Many people who became the architect of the church building is not a theologian. They lay on the layout, so that consideration of their aesthetic value, and only other consideration, based on the view without teologis. Many members of the church who do not understand its meaning. Even many workers who do not even understand. I often question the meaning of the flowers put on the table at the altar! Generally, the reason for people to put flowers there just for purely aesthetic. In the case is not so according to me in private sparingly. GPIB light candles on the table is, of course there is the meaning of the candle. HKBP generally place a flower. What is the meaning of flowers? We light a candle in there on sunday Advent, headless. We also cover the things in the altar cloth with a certain color, that is headless. Once again what is the meaning of flowers?
When we entered the church building (the sort order of the church as the location Lutheran Church teaching) then we can say that the church space can be divided into two parts. The first part is the seat for a member of the church, the seat-benches in the park in the building. I understand this first part as the 'region of the world.' That was taught to us at the time of the study as a candidate sintua. While the second is the 'altar'. The altar of the Church that we understand as' the holy '. The second part is defined as' the heavenly.' Therefore, also, for us, that is holy altar there.
In the middle of the altar, there is a rectangle box, exactly under the cross attached to the wall. Box that is engraved with the beautiful, is understood 'as a table of the Lord.' Why is it called a case table of the Lord? Box is called so, because on the table is placed the bread and wine receptions. According to the sparing me, that we give offering to God, should be put on the table of the Lord. Offering something that is holy, so there where the most fit. Not like now in the heavenly region outside, outside the 'altar'. Table eating area is the most in one's home, only family members who sit in there. Table is a kind of 'inner chamber' in a house. How beautiful, if we are invited to attend the ceremony to eat together around the table of the Lord in the holy banquet events. Unfortunately, now is the practical meaning has come to replace God in the holy banquet, so that I no longer came near to the table of the Lord in the holy banquet.
We on the left, on the side table of the Lord, there are water storage vessel for holy Baptism. Martin Luther said that baptism is also good news - the Gospel - for us. That is in line with its position on the right side of the podium, where the Gospel is made verbal. So the Gospel given to us through word and sacrament. I'm afraid, people come to church Sunday, without trying to ponder the meaning of the layout of objects in the room in the Church. I fear we have lost the meaning of the layout in our worship.
Among the good news according to the sacrament, and the good news says, near the table of God, stand a mediator, between 'the divine' with 'the world'. We see the eye shadow, a sintua standing there. But on substance, in faith, he was standing was the Lord Jesus Christ. For only He can offering man with God. He is the only mediator with God's people. So sintua that stands in the altar is the representation of Christ. Therefore, the importance of sintua 'liturgist' is aware of how pure the duty is to lead worship sunday. He stood there in the name of God, to lead the worship of the church with the meeting between his God. Worship is our sunday worship encounter with God. We know there is no man who can unite the people of God except the Lord Jesus Christ. So clearly, the task sintua 'liturgist' God is with men unite in the worship sunday.
From the layout 'table of the Lord' with a bench-seat, we see the distance is far enough. Indeed, the distance between a holy God with the man of sin is also far enough. Distance heaven and the world is also far enough. That is required of a mediator, so that there will be meetings and communication in the meeting. When the Lord Jesus standing at the altar, and in the self sintua become liturgis, the man who sits on the bench-seat that can make communication with the heavenly region, the 'altar'. Now the question becomes is whether sintua who served as liturgis realize the significance of these duties? My impression, maybe I wrong, friends sintua not realize it. I see them often act as' master of ceremony 'in the church. In fact, there are not ready, it is not visible from the sintua follow sing song songbook of the church. If we have a period of decline the understanding that the sintua become liturgis is representative of Christ in leading the church, so if he leads in a liturgy, then we can say Christ also! Are we aware of it? Let us ponder it in our subconscious in the most.
We come to Church on Sunday, not only to listen to the word of God. If we only come to listen to the word of God, that we can do in the house. We come to Church to worship and meet with the risen Lord. Sunday worship in it, we reflect the worship by the angels in Heaven. In 'Our Father Prayer,' Lord Jesus teaches us that we pray: "Be thy will on earth as in heaven." According to the book of Revelation chapter 4 and 5, there is loyalty in Paradise seen by the Apostle John. Worship in Heaven is focused on worship He sat on the throne and He is standing in the middle of the throne tangah that, as the slaugther Lamb, Jesus Christ alone with all his works. So the core essence of Christian worship by sparing me is: to worship God with a raised work of Jesus Christ. Christ is the center of Christian worship. Unlike the religious charismatic, the weight of the Holy Spirit with the gift-the gift of His worship HKBP heavenly worship that reflect the book of Revelation was reported.
According to DR. A. A Sitompul in a book about the governance of worship, he said that there is a place of worship in three. The first worship was held in Heaven, as reported by the book of Revelation. Worship both in the Earth, in the meaning of worship sunday we are doing. Worship, the third is in our hearts. the Third must be in a union of harmony, such as the 'cord' in rhythm to music. Heaven take the tone 'do', while we took sunday devotions tone 'mi', and the last, we take heart in the tone 'sol'. After that they each sing praise to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit! When the tone song they do not fit, then it will feel chantey Fals.
Many people say that the worship HKBP is commonly, without first excavate the meaning of worship itself. Charismatic of worship, which is very popular today, even in the heart of HKBP, according sparing me, are very expressive. It is a goal dreamed to be in worship that is the man. I do not see what they reflexion through the worship! God paper that should be reflected in the worship, and give people respond to it through the paper his worship. The subject of the most dominant in the worship that is God. That is reflected HKBP worship according me. Where we stand with the church is very different Charismatic.
Before the service started, parhalado usually gather in the first consistori. At the bottom is not the officer who dijadwal on that day which must be present in the consistori, but all members parhalado to come to church in it. For parhalado is a 'corps,' they are responsible for the implementation of these devotions. So even though I was not on duty that day, I must go to consistori, at least pray for those who served on that day. That is the realization of my responsibilities to God, who has called me to be His servant in the church. While it is the form of my responsibilities to the 'corps parhalado'. Very be pitied, also many friends sintua who does not realize it.
Consistori in that we check all the events we will hold, on the feasibility. And events that we already check that congregation we bring to God in prayer. All events from the beginning of the end of till submitted in prayer, as if we say to God, is what we will do in front of you. Anything that does not prayed in consistori, should not be performed in worship. Unless the news is very urgent. Be pitied, but very often we see additional events have delivered to liturgis in the midst of the congregation. Choir we often see up to sing twice, in the case in the event list only one time.
After parhalado pray, the bell of the Church be pronounced. A premonition that a King of kings and Lord of all Lord will enter the place of worship. Members of the church also provides a response to the toll increase is the personal prayers to God's presence. So parhalado also entered the room. Worship ready implemented.
Church events
1. Church singing
Begins with a church congregation singing. Usually selected for the libretto is in compliance with sundays in the name almanac HKBP. As we know ecclesiastical calendar composed on the basis sunday, sunday as much as 52 in one year. Not organized in the month as we met together. Questions now asked of us, why we sing? The libretto of our church, is as a response to what the God spoken of his altar. Sunday worship the shape is responsoria. Our response to God in worship is the way to pray and sing. So what we want reflexion in the first event in the church? Answer to that according to me is scanty: communication between us has been made possible with God. For a mediator has been standing in the altar. Now I will be able to communicate with God. Without the presence of a mediator, imposible for me to talk to God in the church. So it is a singsong response to the presence of God in the church.
2. Votum / Introitus / Haleluya / Prayer
What meaning votum? Means according to me is the dedication sparingly. Votum With that, we believe God is present in the event. When God says "be light," the light that is so. As the meaning of votum. With spoken by liturgis, "In the name of God the Father, and in the name of his Son Jesus Christ, and in the name of the Holy Spirit, Who created the heavens and the earth," then God is real, present in the worship. The presence of God the Trinity is the basis of meeting these. Not so clear because the clan, or custom, the worship is conducted. Not because the fathers, not because of background economic, social, cultural, political, but because God's name solely. God is our Father, in the worship that He received His children. He is the Father who keep our lives. Jesus as the Son, is the brother of sinners save us from us, He is the 'help' to call, and sanctify the Church is with him.
To reflect all that he has done that, we gather to meet with him. In the meeting, he said the content of his heart to us through word and sacrament. Meanwhile, we express the content of our hearts through prayer and the libretto. Many people do not understand the meaning of worship that we like that, so they says that we worship commonly, in case they do not understand it. Had he followed with the understanding as we said above, what he still says that we worship commonly? In addition to the meaning votum as we already said above, then we can also say that with God's holy presence in the worship, the people present in the worship that is sanctified by a holy God. Therefore, the people at the bottom is not expected to come late, because he will not take part sanctified through votum earlier. But the fact is, many people who come too late! Question now is whether those who participated in the late sanctified or not? The answer can be yes, may also not. This depends on the person who is late before. If guilty he admitted that before God, he participated sanctified. If not approved, he would not participate sanctified.
Votum After that, the next event is the introitus. God says He will fill the hearts through the words that match the name that sunday. While the names of the sunday is the reflection of the work of Christ, from the beginning to the end. As we said above, our congregation is reflective, then from the beginning, God has stated the content of his heart to us through the introitus before. Nas that will guide us in sunday we will Go. Verse is the verse for us. As a response to our word on that, then we render Haleluya three times. We should sing it with joy. But in reality we see in our church, we often sing Haleluya with slow. Worship in on sunday, said that we should render it Haleluya quickly. The argument submitted is like the withdrawal of the shout 'fire ... fire ... fire ...' surely we shout it with a quick and full of emotion. Haleluya is the expression of joy because God has said to us, in the case of God not discuss our sins.
After Haleluya, we hear that the medium of prayer. As a mediator, he is in the two sides. The first, on the divine and the human side in the second. Votum when he said, he is in the hand of God. When he said prayers, then it is a man of prayer, then he is on the human side. Some people say that the Anglican Church, liturgis it when he said votum, he stood on the altar, but when he raised the prayer, he moved from the altar to the church, and turned to the altar for a prayer is. There's very clear that he is in the two sides. Should we worship in any such case must be implemented. But because it's not implemented since the beginning, then we do not know that such means.
As we said above, the increase sintua prayer of the church and, therefore, pray that the Lord Jesus is in the self sintua, then we can say the prayer that God will be heard. Lord Jesus also carries the prayers of the church that was in the heart when they are praying in the church-bench when not starting. Because prayer is that our prayers as well, then we must also pray that say: amin in our hearts.
3. Church singing
As explained above, the libretto is a response to God, because he was present, He sanctifies us, He has accepted our prayers. How beautiful, if we sing the praise with all your heart. For that we should first have to know the lyrics of the libretto, because we have read the first, because we do not come late, so we can prepare well.
4.Hukum God
While we express the content of the heart through the libretto, liturgis will claim the content of the heart of God. He said: "Hear the law of God ..." God is a holy God, in His love He received the faith. But we must know ourselves. Law of God in the Church we are like mirror. God's Law is the will of God, the road that must be adopted by his people. At the time we hear the law of God is read, ougth we find ourselves in the perspective of the will of God. Certainly as a response to that case we ask to pray for strength to do God's will is.
5. Church singing
We give a response to the law of God with the libretto. Surely we will sing with all your heart.
6. Recognition of Sin
At the time we listen to God's law and we make it as a mirror, then surely we will find ourselves in error. Therefore, we stand before God to confess our sins. Only those who do not realize that one's sins would not stand in front of the Most Holy God, to confess one's sins. Liturgis from the human sin that brings recognition to God. The existence of such liturgis we know that is not read out the sentence-sentence in the agenda, but the event act before God. Therefore, the intonation of voice sintua when the prayer is different from the intonation of speech news remission of sins. Where on this side, he is in the divine when he say remission of sins.
Because of the application that is Jesus Christ himself, then surely will be granted. That is why we immediately heard God's promise of forgiveness of sin. Whether automatic remission was experienced by every person present in the worship? ofcourse not! Remission was only received by those who truly confess his sin. That is in our worship in the way of Cashew, liturgis after the prayer is finished, we are given the opportunity to confess our sins in private. All the sins that we do it in sunday. Then we hear God's promise of forgiveness of sin. People confess sin and longing will let his sin, they get a remission of sins. Because forgiveness is up to us, then it calls liturgis "Glory to God in a very high place." He was the voice of the human hand. The church will welcome this doxologi with "amin." Current are the we sat back.
7. Church singing
Once we receive the remission of sins, so we give a response with the librettist expressed with all our heart and all your soul. As already said above. Worship is our dialogue forms. Through dialogue such, we have encounter with God.
8. Epistel
After the singing, the voice liturgis nas epistel for that sunday. Epistel give practical guidance about the direction in daily life. Nas explanation of this we have heard in our church "partangiangan Wijk" we held church every sunday. Now let us listen again to do this on sunday. What about people who do not come at the partangiangan Wijk? Surely he will prepare at home before coming to church, because we have HKBP almanac. Epistel is a practical guide, the liturgis close reading word of God with the greeting "Happy is the people who hear the word of God and do it."
9 Church singing
We give a response in the form of a libretto. Lyric surely a statement as to the word of God.
10. Recognition of Faith
Libretto after the rise we were invited to stand so that the Recognition of Faith Rasuli. Words are as follows: "Together with the brothers in the faith all over the world ..." the question needs to asked, who intended the brethren in the faith throughout the world? That is certainly not only those who attend Christian at that time, also not the only Christian people who live in the world today, but also Christians who have preceded us. They are brothers, our faith. So when we claim to stand for the faith to believe, is that it means what I say about my faith, it is not different than what the be faith by Nomensen, as well as the Batak people who first receive the Gospel. Just as they stand confess that faith is pure, so we also revealing. Even not only that. There also attend Christian people from generation to come. They present themselves in Christ. For HKBP is one of the shown body of Christ who came from every nation on earth. Christ Church is the body that is not visible, covering all the totality Christians first, now and later. When we understand the HKBP is one shown body of Christ, then when we worship, is the worship of the body of Christ. But there are also people present who do not attend. Just as the Moses in the desert to the nation of Israel, "Not only with you I only binding agreement and the promise of this oath, but with everyone who is here on this day with us, who stand before the Lord our God , and also with every person who is not here this day with us. (Ex. 29:14-16)
People who attend worship in that - the faith-but not physically present, they are the next-generation predecessor, the period of the next generation and the future. So, if a young man standing there and claim to faith, then in her children's grandchildren also attend soon. Together with the youth, children who have grandchildren in him, and also present to take part in confession. The argument for it is said above, that is in Christ. We say additional argument here, is the Hebrew letter, Levi in Abraham, the father leluhurnya, it also presents tithing to Melchizedek, Abraham, when present in tithing. (Ibr. 7:4-10). In the case at that time Levi has not been born. Levi said the succession presents? Because he is in himself to Abraham, father descendant. Just as it is my understanding when I say the confession stand. I say it is in Christ, and in Christ, present also first-generation and later generations. Would that we agungnya worship!
In understanding the time, I see, when we say the confession is, I say, before God and his angels; in front of people believe in all time, and also before the evil spirits in the air! The saints who have preceded us, the author of Hebrews called as witnesses, Ibr.12: 1. At that time also, in my imaginary spiritual journey, from the creation of the universe, - as God is the creator of heaven and earth - to Bethlehem, where Christ was born, to Golgata, when Christ was crucified and buried there. Travel is forwarded to the empty tomb, and to Bethany where He ascended to Heaven, even in Heaven with the apostle John, saw the throne and the twenty-four elders are crowned, where we worship them with him. After that came down to earth again, see the ancient Church, the Church until the mid-century Church in the era of Nomensen, to our Church today. Even to the throne soon judgment, which all being judged, and judged me as a person right in front of him. The description is expressed as pastor Pakpahan in the book about the meaning of religious devotions HKBP. Question now is: how to you?
11 Church News
Once we confess our faith to believe, it was time we heard the news of fellow members of the family of God. People standing on the side of me that, in addition to the front and behind, is the brother of one father in the Lord. In alliance with God and with each family of God, we heard the news from God, and news from each other. In the news of the church, we heard the news about the birth of a child in the family of faith brother. Normally news that always end with a prayer "I hope God bless the children and their parents." We also participated in the amin-kan is in the heart. When we meet with both parents who are happy that, then we are happy to congratulate them, as an active response to the news we have.
With the news that is we will hear the plan to be married sister. We must also examine the feasibility of the people who will be married to. When there are things that do not fit according to the RPP (Ruhut Parmahanion Paminsanon = Law maneuver) of our Church, then we must notify it to the clergy to follow them up. But if we do not have to know things like that, then we pray wajiblah plan the wedding, because they are our brother. If we meet them, both parents or both parties, we will remember them, to show that we participated besukacita up the wedding plans.
We also heard the news about the death sorrow the family of God. News senatiasa closed with this prayer: "May God give solace and strength of faith for family members who berdukacita that" we also support prayer is in the heart. As shown from amin said that, then we also went to the house of mourning journey. We reassure people that the sorrow and grief in the house they pray at home each of us, because they are brothers in the Lord.
In the news we hear news about church finances, and other news-weekly. Overall it should be responded to in accordance with kemapuan each of us. Therefore, we should hear the news with a vengeance. However, if we note the attitude of the members of the church in the event, many of them are indifferent, many chat. This is happening because they certainly did not understand the meaning of the news of the church in our worship.
12. Church singing
As news of the repons with that, we shared the same praise to God, while preparing to hear the word of God. Always Remember our response in prayer and praise.
13 sermon
As described above, liturgis standing at the altar at the bottom but he is not Christ who stood there, as well as with the clergy who stood at the podium. Priest is the representative of Christ. That is the first word out of the mouth is the 'peace that exceeds all the intellect and heart will keep your mind in Christ Jesus. Amen. "If we see the stand that he is human, then surely there is no blessing that he came from. However, if the eyes of faith we see that he was standing on the altar is the Lord himself, then surely the blessings will flow from him.
We come to worship in the sunday not only hear for the word of God, but to meet with him and meet with fellow brothers in the family of God. Even if the pastor was preaching not fit with the content of our hearts, but we must realize the goal of worship itself. We will still have the blessing of the meeting. nas Epistel if we say, is practical guidance in life, Evangelium is the Christian doctrine of the faith. So that there is a balance between ethics - practic instructions - that is epistel and doctrine, namely evangelium.
After the preacher delivered the contents of the heart of God, then as a deputy he was the man of prayer intercession for the content of the world. We also participated in the prayer amin in our hearts. Emphasized the need here, preaching is not the essence of worship sunday. The entire event, the encounter with God is the meaning of worship in HKBP sunday.
14. Church singing / offerings
After we heard the sermon, the content is in the breasts of God to do this on sunday, then we shall give a response with the offering. I often hear liturgis said "let,s singing while collecting offerings." Indeed, such events are made. From the expression, the visible event that is the principal singing; in the main event is collect offerings. I should be sparing the words is the "let's collect offerings to God while singing. "The event was not the sideline. In the book of Exodus we read that God commanded Israel that if it came to him, to come with the offering and may not be with empty hands (Kel. 23:15). In addition, we must understand that offering something that is holy, so that the offering should have been prepared from home. We submit that with the joy, because that is God the Father to receive us. Mouth we praise God, praise hands while he was in the dl. If we are consistent with the understanding that the stand at the altar is that he represents the Lord Jesus Christ, according to the scanty liturgis that I have to accept the offerings of the collector. More also must be offered in the table of God, not like now in the box itself. I can not understand what the meaning of the box.
I see in HKBP Bandung Jl. Riau, which liturgis receive offerings, not as in Jl. Cashew, readers who receive news of the church. I really like if we follow HKBP Bandung.
15 Conclusion: the Prayer + Prayer Our Father + Berkat
The event will end, we again stand before God, to sent back into daily life. We submit that the more we advance in prayer. He offered to bring it to the presence of God through the prayer liturgis. We also amin prayer in the heart. He received the offering, and we give a response to the libretto: "the grace of thy Lord ...." We not only presents us the money, but the totality of life that is presented to God. As we hear the closing prayer prayer Our Father, we response with doxologi "because you have that ..." After that we sent home with the blessing, namely: the blessing and protection, the attention (I understand the meaning of the Lord set his face "in the understanding of attention , atensi) and His grace. Shine is the glory of the face, it also is with me, just as Moses get it on the mountain of Sinai. Thanks to the last one is peace. Syalom God. And our response is to last three times Amen. Amen, this is not only blessing amin but to amin for each event that we follow from beginning to end. So if we follow the events of worship in the week as described above, we will go home with the blessing of our Lord. We will be changed into a new man in Christ.
Note end
Questions arising in the subconscious in the most! When HKBP teach it to the citizens ? At the time I catecism in the year 1965 in HKBP Balige, as long as I remember, it was not taught to us. When the study became sintua in HKBP Menteng, that it is taught to us. But not all sintua understand the meaning of worship in the week that perspective that has been described above. How do the members of the church? Hopefully what is written here can strengthen our faith, and enable us feel beauty and majesty and mystery of worship us. So not too easy to say HKBP worship as something that commonly! Hopefully!
Posted by eben ezer munthe at 05:49 0 comments
Monday, 29 December 2
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Jamita Evangelium Minggu Invocavit, 9 Maret 2025
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